Sets out to promote the holding in 2014 of a major National Commemoration to celebrate the 660th anniversary of the birth of our national hero Owain Glyndwr on 28 May 1354. Celebrating throughout Wales and the World this great Welsh man declared Owain IV Tywysog Cymru at Senedd Glyndwr, Machynlleth on 21 Mehefin 1404. Alternative to Cadw Glyndwr Interpretive Plan that denies our national hero true national commemorative status.
"…. It was told to many a child that when the great Prince Owain was born that he did start to cry and would not be quiet, until his father had allowed the young babes hand to touch the hilt of his sword. It was also told that when the Prince
Dewch i ni gyd heddiw, ar Ddyddiad Genedigaeth Tywysog Owain Glyndŵr osod ei faner - ein wir faner dros Annibyniaeth, mewn safle lle ellir ei gweld yn glir, dyma'r her mwyaf i Frenhiniaeth Lloegr tra fyddant yn trespasu yng nghenedl Glyndŵr eleni a cofiwch godi gwydriad i'n harwr mwyaf heddiw. MAE'R BRWYDRO YN PARHAU!